
25 NOV 2021 - The Monash Partnership with Estonia Since 2002

25 NOV 2021 - The Monash Partnership with Estonia Since 2002

Join EACCI and Dr Jeff Jarvis for a webinar about the partnership between Monash University and Estonia.

This presentation will review the development of this unique university partnership and also provide a commentary on the of the Estonian Tourism Industry over the last 20 years as well as Estonia's impact on the multi billion dollar Working Holiday Maker (WHM) program in Australia.

29 APRIL 2021 - Online Session: Cyber Security Education

29 APRIL 2021 - Online Session: Cyber Security Education

In this talk, Dr Matthew Sorell will explain how the collaboration between University of Adelaide and the Tallinn University of Technology got started, what the study tours do in Tallinn and Adelaide, and why this program is so valuable for both Australian and Estonian students.